Torenia Plant Care

Whether you call it Torenia or wishbone plant, you’ll love how easy torenia plant care is!

This is the time of year when we are desperate to get rid of the dreariness of winter and get some color going in the garden. Why not start with Torenia, also known as wishbone flower, an easy-care cutie that provides pops of color wherever you choose to grow it?

Torenia (Torenia spp.) bears masses of small, charming flowers that, at first glimpse, look almost pansy-like. They bloom in shades of purple/yellow, pink, white and blue.

Torenia fournieri is probably the most popular species grown in the home garden. You’ll commonly find it referred to online as the “wishbone flower.”

Whichever Torenia you end up growing, count on it being low maintenance. Grow it as an annual if you live outside of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones, 10 and 11. (Find your growing zone, here)

How to water torenia

Moist soil all the time is the name of the game if you want your spring show-stopper to thrive. Not soggy, but consistently moist soil is key to torenia plant care.

And, don’t forget that if you’re growing it in a container, you’ll need to check the moisture level often because plants grown in pots dry out quicker.

Encourage the torenia flower show with fertilizer

The middle number of the NPK formula is what you’ll want to pay attention to when shopping for fertilizer for the Torenia.

Use 1/8 cup of 5-10-5 fertilizer per plant every four weeks (see the Resources section below for where to purchase). If you’re using granules, sprinkle it on the soil, 3 inches from the plan’s main stem and scratch it into the soil.

Remember to always apply fertilizer to moist soil.

Purple torenia flowerCreate even more flowers

Torenia does not require deadheading, but if you pinch the tips of growing stems, not only will the plant get bushier, but you’ll get additional flowers as well.

Torenia diseases

Although this plant is supposedly disease resistant, it does seem to attract powdery mildew.

Create a solution of 2 tablespoons of 70 percent neem oil in 1 gallon of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray all parts of the Torenia with the solution until it drips and repeat the application every week until its under control.

By the way, neem oil is toxic to bees, so try to apply it when they aren’t active (late evening or early morning).

Torenia plant care includes insect control

Whiteflies rather like the Torenia too. You’ll find them on the undersides of the foliage, sucking the plant’s juices. If the infestation is heavy enough, it may kill the plant.

Use the neem oil concentration mentioned earlier and repeat the application weekly.


Torenia Seeds

70% Neem Oil

5-10-5 Fertilizer

Mention of a fertilizer or pesticide, or use of a pesticide or fertilizer label, is for educational purposes only. Always follow the product’s label directions attached to the container you are using. Be sure that the plant you wish to treat is listed on the label of the pesticide you intend to use. And observe the number of days between pesticide application and when you can harvest your crop. 

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