Tips for Growing Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kaaladian Orchids

Tips for Growing Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kaaladian Orchids

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Growing taisuco-kaaladian-orchids isn’t as scary as many people think. Like other houseplants, it is tropical in nature and has specific care requirements.

Provide those and the orchid can thrive in your home. Phalaenopsis orchids, of which there are more than 50 species and hundreds of hybrids, bloom from late winter to spring. The Taisuco Kaaladian variety bears lovely white, 3-inch flowers, each lasting 10 to 12 weeks. The plant grows from 4 to 5 inches tall

What you need to get started

Now, find a home for the Taisuco kaaladian orchid. Choose an indoor area that receives bright but filtered sunlight. Near an east window is ideal. Give it a full southern exposure during the winter in northern regions.

Keep the orchid away from fumes from gas stoves and furnaces and cigarette smoke or it will drop its buds.

Maintain the room temperature between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and more than 60 at night.

Hand holding a silver watering can pouring water onto an orchid in a red pot

How much water do orchids need?

The Taisuco kaaladian orchid doesn’t tolerate either soggy or dry soil. The best way to meet this requirement is to allow the soil to dry between waterings, but not completely. Let it dry to barely moist and then water with room temperature water.

Do not get water on the crown — the area where the leaves connect. If you do, tip the pot to allow the water to run out, or use a paper towel to lightly blot out the water. We bottom-water ours by setting it in a large measuring cup (but you can use any tall container) of room-temperature water and leaving it until the top of the soil is moist.

The interiors of homes tend to have dry air. To supply the Taisuco kaaladian orchid with humidity, set a room humidifier nearby. Pebble trees just don’t seem to work, at least not for us.

And you need something that will help supply the constant 50 to 80 percent relative humidity the orchid requires. 

Hand holding a blue measuring spoon filled with liquid fertilizer to pour on orchid

How and when to fertilize the Taisuco kaaladian orchid

The American Orchid Society recommends a 20-20-20  fertilizer (we recommend Grow More Premium Orchid Food, available at for this orchid.  Apply it only while the orchid is actively growing.

Dilute 1 tsp. of fertilizer in 1 gal. of room-temperature water and use the solution to water the plant. Use plain water every fourth watering. In the winter, use the solution every third watering.

Cut 1/2 inch off the tip of the stem after the flower has faded. This may induce the Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kaaladian orchid to rebloom.

Then, share your pictures of your gorgeous taisuco-kaaladian-orchid on our Facebook page!

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