Pelargonium/Geranium Plant Propagation

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Root geranium cuttings and what do  you get? A whole garden full of color!

While shopping at your local gardening center you will no doubt see plants tagged as “Geranium.” They may be, in fact, geraniums. They may also be pelargoniums and there is a difference between the two.

First, they are two different plants, in two different genera. Their growth habits, foliage and flowers aren’t the same, either. The round, puffy multi-flower blooms that many gardeners call “geranium” is actually pelargonium.

The biggest difference, aside from their appearance, is that the geranium is far hardier. Yes, it dies back in the winter, but it returns in the spring. Pelargoniums, while evergreen, do not tolerate extreme winters.

red pelargonium on the left half of picture, purple geranium on the right
Geranium, by Alvesgaspar – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Today, we dive into how to propagate pelargoniums with cuttings, although we refer to it as a geranium (because that’s how most of you refer to it). We’ll show you how to root actual geranium cuttings in an upcoming post. 

Supplies you’ll Need

Can I do Geranium Plant Propagation in September?

Yes, as a matter of fact, propagating geraniums in September is perfect. In fact, we urge you to take geranium cuttings anytime during summer, while the weather is warm.

Geranium Plant Propagation is Simple

  • Remove a 4- to 6-inch piece of healthy, thick geranium stem, cutting (on the diagonal) directly below a leaf node.
  • Remove the flower and all of the leaves from the lower three-fourths of the stem.
  • Dip the cut end of the geranium cutting into  rooting hormone and stick the cutting immediately into a planting pot filled with moist, chunky cactus mix. Stick the cutting into the soil to within 1/2 inch of the bottom set of leaves.
  • Leave the pot in an area that receives filtered sunlight.
  • The soil temperature should remain 75 degrees Fahrenheit so you may want to use a heat mat if you’ll be propagating geraniums indoors. Don’t allow the soil to dry but don’t saturate it. Slightly moist is ideal.

How Long Does it Take for Geranium Cuttings to Root? 

In 3 weeks, give the geranium cutting a soft tug. If it doesn’t move easily in the soil it has rooted and should be transplanted into standard potting mix combined with a handful of compost.

Allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering the geranium. Fertilize the geranium two weeks after transplanting it. Use a standard houseplant fertilizer, but dilute it to half the recommended strength.

Once the weather warms in the spring you should plant the geranium outdoors. Give it 6 hours of sun per day and fertilize it, at full strength, every two weeks during spring and summer.

To make the geranium bushier, pinch off the tips of new shoots.


Photo Courtesy: Quite Adept/Flickr

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