
Thanks so much for taking an interest in us and our gardening website.

My name is Adelaide Masters and I’m a gardenologist. The Urban Dictionary defines a gardenologist as: “A person who lives to garden, has studied (formally or informally) plants, trees, etc. and can tell you more about them than you probably want to know.”

That would be me.

I hold a B.Sc. in Horticulture, a Masters in Agriculture (M.Ag.) and I am a master gardener here in my adopted hometown. Although I specialize in tropical plants and roses, I hope to be able to offer information on all aspects of gardening at home by employing the talents of other avid gardenologists. We pretty much eat, breathe, sleep and obsess over all aspects of gardening.

I am joined in this endeavor by a group of over-educated dirt-farmers who love nothing more than puttering around outdoors — planting, pruning, fertilizing and even pulling weeds. Lest you think our group is a bunch of self-absorbed folks, please know that Horticopious, the group’s collective name, is a non-profit that feeds the hungry and helps disadvantaged women in agriculture across the globe.

Each article is contributed by a Horticopious member.

Feel free to drop us a note with any questions and, of course, corrections to our information. Nobody’s perfect, right?

Thanks for stopping by, and welcome!

Our Staff 

Bridget Kelley, Staff Writer





Garden writer and blogger Bridget Kelly is the author of more than 2,000 gardening articles and blog posts. A lifelong gardener, this girl is known for her keen sense of humour, her drive to perform impeccable research and her love of all things gardening.

Bridget’s work is our gift to our treasured Gardenologist visitors.

Paka Tufono, Staff Writer





If it’s tropical plants you crave, this is the lady to follow. A resident of a certain Pacific Island, she grows nothing BUT tropical fruit, flowers and trees. We are so very lucky to have Paka on board!

Dewey, Tech Guy, Research





Bio coming soon! (He is so shy. . .)




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