Gift Ideas for the Vegetable Gardener

Gift Ideas for the Vegetable Gardener

You can’t go wrong giving one of our gift ideas for the vegetable gardener!

We gardeners are an odd bunch. We think nothing of dropping major money on certain tools and equipment we consider vital yet rarely break open the pocket book for fun stuff, or gardening items that might make our hobby a little bit easier.

So I’ve rounded up some gift ideas for those vegetable gardeners on your gift list that I think they might be secretly hoping Santa will bring.

This post has been updated from last year — some items listed then were no longer available.

You’ll find some wonderful gift ideas for the beginning gardener here, and get gift ideas for the indoor gardener, here.

Gardening magazines

No, magazines are NOT dead! In fact, I spend most of the winter flipping through garden mags and catalogs. I get so much inspiration for spring gardening.

Today I offer up three of my favorite gardening magazines. A subscription to any of these would make a truly valuable gift that any gardener would be pleased to receive.

Colorful Grow Bags

Have you ever seen such adorable grow bags? Fabric grow bags are every gardener’s best friend. Because the sides “breathe,” plants remain warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Roots don’t circle and there’s even a decreased risk of transplant shock. These colorful fabric pots are made of sturdy canvas and can be used indoors as well. Plus, they’re washable.

Want more good news? These pots are BPA-free and made of food-safe material.

They come in purple, orange, brown, red and green or a variety pack if you prefer. There are 10 pots in this particular pack.

If your gardening giftee has never grown vegetables in fabric pots, they’re in for a treat and will most likely never go back to plastic,


Five fabric grow bags, green orange, purple, red and brown



Heat Tolerant Seeds Set 

Nothing beats heat-tolerant vegetable seeds if you garden in a warm climate.  Think of the salads and side dishes your gardening gift recipient can make with this collection!

This amazing variety of vegetable seeds, includes:

  • Amaranth Edible Red Leaf
  • Bean Pole Yard Long Orient Wonder
  • Carrot Shin Kuroda
  • Cucumber Poinsett 76
  • Eggplant Black Beauty Organic
  • Lettuce Leaf Salad Bowl Blend Organic
  • Melon Cantaloupe/Muskmelon Hearts of Gold Organic
  • Pepper Sweet Bell Blend
  • Spinach New Zealand
  • Squash Winter Waltham Butternut
  • Tomatillo Grande Rio Verde Organic
  • Tomato Bush Roma Supremo
  • Watermelon Charleston Gray

Plus — look at it! Is that not the PERFECT gift for a vegetable gardener?

A collection of various vegetable seeds as a gift ideaHeat Tolerant Vegetable Seed Collection


Soil Testing Kit

Hang out in any group of gardeners and you’ll hear all kinds of weird stuff. No, that’s not a diss, but a truism. The one thing that drives me the craziest is when people ask a successful gardener what fertilizer they used to get all those lemons, apples or whatever on the fruit-laden trees. Photos of gorgeous tomatoes or or a copious potato crop are invariably met with the same question.

There are any number of reasons for a gardener’s success  but it is frequently that their plants aren’t starving for nutrients. Guess what? The chances are excellent that the folks asking the question don’t have the same soil that the successful guy or gal has.

Keep in mind that when you fertilize, you are “feeding” the soil, not the plant. Well-nourished soil is critical to a well-nourished plant.

So, how do you know what nutrients your soil is craving? With a soil test. It’s something most backyard gardeners don’t spend money on. They wing it and then wonder why their plants don’t perform like those of the showoffs on Facebook.

Gift your vegetable gardener with a soil test and be his or her hero forever.Soil test kit for sale

MySoil Starter Pack


Seedling heat mat

Ok, now that your gardener has seeds and perfect soil, how about you give him or her a leg up on the season with a heat mat? Lots of vegetables could use a little bottom heat while they’re germinating indoors during winter and this is the ideal setup.heat mat_opt

Seedling Heat Mat


Cold frame

This wood cold frame will lengthen the season for your gardener. If you’ve ever spent the winter with an avid vegetable gardener you know that the sooner he or she can get back to it, the less grumpiness you’ll have to tolerate.

This one comes in several different sizes. 

Wooden Cold Frame


Dual Chamber Tumbling Composter

A composter is something most gardeners want, but just never get around to purchasing. Turning kitchen and garden waste into deep, rich and nutrient-filled compost for the garden is truly rewarding. Your recipient will wonder why they waited so long to start composting.

This one has a 37 gallon capacity.

Outdoor Composter


Garden Grid™ Watering System

If you’ve priced drip irrigation systems (especially installation!) you know it can get pricey. Enter, the Garden Grid system. This thing is pure genius, especially for raised beds.

It comes in various sizes (that fit most raised beds) and ships already assembled. All your gardening gift recipient need do is lay it on the soil, hook it up to a standard garden hose and voila! Instant watering system.

The water streams are adjustable, from drip to full stream. Need a custom-sized  hose?  This  company sells  them! This is an amazing gift!

Drip system portable grid laying on soilVegetable Garden Drip Kit


Over-the-Shoulder Harvesting Bucket

We’ve save one of our favorites for last. This is so practical yet so needed for vegetable gardeners. The bucket holds 18 quarts. We like the belt, made of seatbelt material so it won’t bind or cut into your recipient. They’re adjustable too. Finally, hands-free harvesting!

Man with a havesting bucket strapped to him

Harvesting Bucket


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